Foundation Master Course

This course is suitable for beginner (ie. zero knowledge in soap making)  to master all kinds of soap making methods, which include mastering cold process soap making, hot process soap making, liquid soap making, dessert soap decoration, soap clay making from scratch, melt and pour design soap making, and learn to calculate & design recipes.

What so special about this 6days foundation soap making master course?

Artiz Soap master course is all about soap making with different recipes, methods, technical knowledge and techniques to achieve professional soap designs and outcomes. Student will learn different types of cold process soap methods. And learn to choose suitable methods to meet certain circumstances and factors, such as availability tools, time, recipes, availability of ingredients, soap mold designs, customer’s demand, complication of designs, order deadline and so on.  

Learning different soap making methods and technical knowledge will encourage students to inhabit critical thinking when comes to achieve the exact soap batter that required to make certain design or handling sensitive ingredients such as dairy ingredients, herbs, natural powders etc. “sensitive ingredients” required special ways to add into soap batter to prevent from any nutrients damage / might affect the soap designs.  

Course structure, 40% cold process soap making, 10% hot process soap making, 25% liquid soap making, 5% dessert soap making, 5% cp flower piping, 5% soap clay making, 5% melt and pour soap and lastly 5% soap calculation and designing.

It is important to have some basic understanding of other soap making methods instead of just cold process soap making. The last part of this course will be learning how to create your own recipes. During the course, students will be intensively train on practical soap making then lastly theoretical. Student will initially feel, touch and see all soap making processes before starting to understand how to create any recipes. This will reduce the chances of failures and testings in the future!

Day 1 

Foundation of Cold Process Soap Making

The important learnings in cold process soap class, student will learn to make 9 types of cold process soap making from basic to advancing. Understand how to control the consistency to allow you to have much longer time to mix colours – design to pour to mold. Learn to prevent soda ash on cold process soap. Another plus to know how to make soap without using a “stick blender”, yet the soap is fast ready (ie. the stick blender is used to speed up the soaping process). without stick blender, yet make sure the soap failure free.

includes learn about cold process soap colouring (mix and match with mica colours and clay powders), learn different ways of cut and shaped the cold process soap (on the last day).

  • Learn to make basic cold process soap with cute mold (with 3 types of recipes). And learn about soap making with butter and milk
Basic Cold Process Soap Mold (Type 1)
  • Cold Process Soap Making next level
    • Design: Zero mistake swirl, Marble tile cold process soap and Gradation (3 types)
Zero Mistake Swirl (Type 2)
Gradation (Type 3)
Marble Tile (Type 4)

Day 2

advancing in Cold Process Soap Making

Design: Wild Feather, Fast Layering, Drops, Real Wood Grain and Cosmic (5 types)

Real Wood Grain (Type 5)
Granite (Type 6)
Wild Feather (Type 7)
Cosmic (Type 8)
Drops (Type 9)

Day 3

build knowledge for Hot Process Soap Making

  • Learn Basic Liquid Soap Making
    • Understanding about handmade liquid soap making
    • basic liquid soap making methods
  • Liquid Soap paste making methodology
    • Fast making method (5 to 10 minutes) from oil to translucent soap paste.
    • Do not require to use slow cooker or crockpot
    • Dilution on next day after making soap paste
  • Practical and theory of liquid soap making
    • practical making 3 types of liquid soap recipes
    • Recipe 1: KOH liquid soap making
    • Recipe 2: Dual lye liquid soap making method
    • Recipe 3: Milk liquid soap making method
    • Demonstrate Colourless liquid soap making (with natural ingredients) Recipe 4
  • Theoretical understanding to make butter liquid soap Recipe 5
  • Explain the differences of liquid soap recipes and why they have different characteristics as liquid soap.
  • pH in liquid soap & basic adjustment
  • Dilution methodology
  • Thickening liquid soap like shower gel with food grade ingredients
  • Liquid soap recipe adjustment from watery to shower gel flow. Theory.
  • Produce products Shower gel (honey texture), liquid soap, foaming wash (colourless liquid soap & ombre effect), and gel soap (toothpaste texture)
learn how to make ombre effect in colourless liquid soap
  • Liquid soap recipe structures (between traditional method & artiz soap method) and deep insights for recipe design. [this part will explain on 6th day of master course]
  • The insights to speed up the saponification process from oil to liquid soap paste. [this part will explain on 6th day of master course]
Shower Gel
Colourless Liquid Soap
Gel Soap
Handmade liquid Soap

Day 4

Hot Process Soap Making Bar

  • Learn Hot Process Soap Making
    • Fast and easy method from scratch
    • Learn to make hot process soap basic with 2 recipes
Hot Process Soap Bar
  • learn to make Melt and Pour Soap design
    • learn to remelt melt and pour soap base
    • learn to make design with melt and pour soap base
    • design: Gradient soap, fireworks effects and embed gems (3 designs)
Embed gems

Day 5

  • learn to make Dessert Cake Soap
    • learn to make Cake Base
    • learn making fruits and dessert ornaments
    • learn icing cake base with cold process soap
    • learn to decorate dessert cake and making piping cream
    • learn to cut hard cake soap effortlessly
Fruits Ornaments
Dessert Cake
Dessert Cake
  • learn to make Cold Process Flower Soap
    • learn to make cake base
    • learn to pipe flowers with cold process soap
    • include learning flower arrangement on cake bases
    • learn to pipe flowers (rose, peony, berries & leaf)

Day 6

  • learn to make Cold Process Soap Clay
    • make soap clay from scratch
    • modelling soap clay (design to updated from time to time)
Rilakkuma (Design 1 optional)
Snoopy (Design 2 optional)
  • learn to calculation, and design soap recipe (theory lesson for beginner in soaps recipe formulation and calculation)

Registration Requirement

  • Compulsory to attend 6 days class
  • For students who join this course, entitle to enjoy complimentary access to Cold Process Flower Soap piping online class.
  • Hands-on intensive foundation course.
  • Course include all ingredients, recipes and tools in class.
  • suitable for beginner / experience soap maker to bring interest or skills into business or career as instructor.
  • Experience exclusive creative soap making classes here to enhance your soap making skills to professional.
  • complete with a master course certificate
  • only available once a month. may split the 6 days to complete within 3 months after full payment.
  • Class can be conducted in english, chinese, malay, and korean.
  • For korean, there is a translating fee for a translator (optional)
  • The course outline is subject to change from time to time, because Artiz Soap is a fully soap making Research & development academy. The recipes, techniques and methods will be improved and updated.
  • Registration in advance is required.
  • Upcoming Dates
    • kindly check with us for latest schedule
  • To register contact Whatsapp+60163396303 / / click on righthand pink messenger icon to message us
  • For more samples of students’ work click here to view more
  • Location of class, Artiz Atelier Academy, No. 23, Jalan Sungai Burung X32/X, Bukit Rimau, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
    oversea applicants, kindly contact WhatsApp +60163396303 or WeChat artizsoapshop for accommodation and transportation suggestions.
    To register or inquire, contact WhatsApp +60163396303 or WeChat artizsoapshop or email

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